Bag It! Update | Android Games Review


Hidden Variable have released an update for their fab game Bag It!  It’s all built around their explosive new character— Fizzy!

The new content includes:

  • New Character – Fizzy, the exploding Soda Bottle! (He’s a little shy and doesn’t like to be shaken up…)
  • 16 New Levels – Including Standard, Rampage, and Puzzle!
  • Achievements – Over 25 Achievements to earn!
  • Endless Modes – 3 Revamped Endless Modes!

They’ve also released a FREE Lite version of Bag It! so players can try the game themselves before they buy!

As per our previous review, we loved their original game and thought it was a top game, why not download the Lite version to try?  We know Fizzy is a fun addition to the grocery family!




Bag It! Update Promotional Video


Developers: Hidden Variable

Bag It! Lite QR Code
(Click on the image or scan the barcode with your Android phone to goto Google Play)
Click on this image to see this game in Google PlayScan this barcode with your Android phone to see this game in Google Play

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