Tiny Ball Vs Evil Devil (by RVAppStudio) for your Android Mobile | Android Games Review

Tiny Ball Vs Evil Devil: Addicting and fun physics game which is great for passing time.    

The producers of Finger Slayer have released their Android version of Tiny Ball Vs Evil Devil.  Here, Tiny Ball wants your help to get his ship back from Evil Devil… you help him by shooting him and his friends out of a cannon… nice!  Read on to get the low down on the game.

Gameplay:  This is an Angry Birds-esq physics game variant.  You get a cannon which shoots blue balls, and the aim is to knock the red devil square onto the floor.  The cannon is height adjustable and it’ll shoot where you tap on the screen.

The game starts off easy and guides you through gently with obvious levels which clearly introduce the rules.  Slowly, but surely, the difficulty increases and the puzzle element really kicks in to test your thought processes and creativeness.  Where will you shoot? What angle are you going to hit the blocks at? Are you going to try and rebound off any walls?

Physics Fun:  This game is definitely on par with Angry Birds.  Although there isn’t nearly enough destruction in most of the levels, I can tell from how frequently I restart a round that this has me hooked to the challenging puzzles.  On that note, this is one of the highlights for me: you can restart a level really fast… faster than Angry Birds because there’s no zooming involved.  Which means that even if you’re stuck, you can keep launching away until you figure out a solution.

The overall package has decent graphics and sound effects.  General theming is good and I think the highlight for me is the little additional animations and sounds… the sniggling red devil square, the little “don’t stop” speech when you’ve restarted many times sounds and the cutesy sounds that randomly come out all make this entertaining.

A couple of downers: The cannon is a bit inaccurate which is a shame since everything is dependent on you shooting at the correct angles.  Also, based on my view of the levels and the stars I’ve achieved, the rounds are either easily beatable or not understandable… there isn’t much inbetween.  Don’t worry if you get stuck though because you have level skips which will let you keep playing eventhough you might be stuck on one round.

Rating: 4/5 An excellent physics game which has loads of content to keep you happy for a while.  I’ve played this so much, and I’d love it if I could shake the screen to have an added wobble effect on the blocks!

Tiny Ball Vs Evil Devil Promotional Youtube Video

Tiny Ball Vs Evil Devil Tips from Android Games Review

If you’re stuck try thinking about the following different possibilities:

  • Is there an obstruction which is forcing you to shoot in a particular way?
  • Are you launching at the correct elevation?
  • Did you know you can hit the blocks in the top left corner to send them flying?
  • Do you need to strike the blocks below the red devil?  If so, do you need to shoot twice rapidly to cause extra movement?
  • Do you need to do a rebound shot?  …does it need to be off the back wall?

If you’re finding shooting to be problematic, then try the following:

  • Use the background as markers for where to touch
  • To get exactly the same shot every time, you should note that the crosshair appears when you touch the screen, but the firing only occurs when you let go.  So you can touch, slide to the right position, and then let go.

Tiny Ball vs Evil Devil QR Code
(Click on the image or scan the barcode with your Android phone to goto the Android Market)

Developers: RV App Studios


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