Android Games Review: Greedy Spiders (Blyts)

Save helpless trapped flies from the nasty black spiders! 

Greedy Spiders is an awesome puzzle game which should be tried by all Android phone users.  If you like difficult games which need you to think then this game is for you.  Apparently the game was only released recently, but has been getting rave comments and reviews  since it has appeared on Android Market!

Gameplay: Flies are trapped on nodes in a spider web, and it’s your job to cut the links to save them.  Everytime you destroy a weblink then the creepy crawlies in the web will travel along one line.  If the spider reaches a fly then the round ends and you need to try again.  As you progress through the levels then you’ll be given more weapons to use in your arsenal against the eight legged enemies.  These weapons include matches, dummy flies and more.  Top tips come up every time you start playing a new session – and these all help you through the game.

For the free version there are two areas which each have 32 stages – so that’s a whopping 64 stages all for free!  The full version has a further 2 scenarios, another 64 levels, more enemies and more actions which will keep you occupied for hours.

Quality Parts:  The game finish here is impressive and the overall package is excellent.  Graphics-wise, the enemy spiders are cute and endearing… the flies look like they actually need to be saved.  The theming flows through well in the menus too.  Generally I’ve found the sound effects and music to be quite pleasing and it brings a smile to my face.  In fact, the sound is a key element which tells you very early on if you’ve lost the round.

Verdict: 4/5 Greedy Spiders is a great game which really makes you use your brain.  It’s one of those gems which make you analyse so much that you create special rules just for this game.  I’m truly impressed and I think everyone should try this game!

So how comes this isn’t a five star game then?  Well I have to be critical and compare this to Angry Birds.  This game is on par with Rovio’s hit, but its not for everyone.  If you put all the graphics and sounds aside, the core gameplay is one that’s not simple and won’t be enjoyed by everyone.  As you play you’ll eventually get a feeling of – “this round is impossible” and you may stop playing.  They’ve made the game such that you don’t actually need to play all the rounds… but unfortunately, I don’t think this gameplay problem is avoidable.

Greedy Spiders’ Youtube Video

Android Game Reviews Tips:

  • A great piece of advice which is in the game tips is that you should try and cut links near your flies first.
  • Very early on you’ll realise that if a spider gets to a node which is directly next to two flies (i.e. you are forked) then you’ve lost because you can’t save them both.  So identify these nodes and treat them like they have flies on them too.
  • After identifying your forks, you’ll encounter scenarios where the forks are inevitable because the spiders are permanently one step away from gobbling up a fly.  So trace the steps back and you’ll find more nodes which you’ll have to prevent the spiders from reaching in the first place.
  • The number of stars you get in a round indicates the number of levels which will be unlocked.  So if you get three stars, then the next three rounds will be unlocked.  This means that you don’t need to complete all the levels in order to progress through the levels or reach the end of a scenario.
  • If you ever get really stuck and must pass a level, then use elimination to narrow down the cuts and actions you think you should take.
  • When you get to that level which you’ve tried loads of times and you think is impossible, then stop the game, give your brain a rest… but come back to retry the round later.  The brain is an amazing thing, and subconsciously it may find a solution for you.  Aside from that though, a fresh start will let you consider more possible actions and help you solve a round.
  • Some very advanced technique:  The spider will climb in the direction where there are more flies and it’s easier to gobble them up (i.e. there are more weblinks or the flies are closer).  If you had a spider between two groups of flies, it’s possible to make the spider dilly dally between the two sets by alternating your cuts correctly.

Greedy Spiders QR Code
(Click on the image or scan the barcode with your phone to goto the Android Market)

Developers: Blyts

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